Our History​
Foundation Adonai Vida y Dignidad in the United States is a ministry that provides services and financial help to the CORPORACIÒN ADONAI VIDA Y DIGNIDAD in Latin America.
Corporaciòn Adonai began in 2017 with a small group of volunteers in Medellin, Colombia. In the beginning, it used a seminary building as a center of operations. Now this foundation has its own center of operations. This group of volunteers reached out to women from poor neighborhoods. These women were often found in severe circumstances with few options available to ensure their health and safety. The volunteers of CAVD offered services to children, godly counseling to pregnant women, and encouraged them to make the best choice possible after they were fully informed of all consequences. Free services were provided to all of them, including adoption information and help from the agency and churches.
Because of meager funds and resources, the lack of its own physical plan of operations, and the fact that it was managed by volunteers, Corporaciòn Adonai's work was very difficult, albeit productive. For example, in early 2019, Natalia* learned that she was pregnant. Coupled with a painful history and excessive emotional baggage, she was convinced that an abortion was the only option. However, by God's grace, a volunteer approached her before this decision was finalized. The agency accompanied Natalia through this difficult time, uplifting her in prayer and encouraging perseverance. Eventually, sweet little Saray was born, and she and her mother are grateful for the assistance they received.
*Pseudonym used to protect the individual's identity.

Good News of Help
The Foundation Adonai Vida y Dignidad (FAVD), an organization of mercy and hope, seeks to open several centers across the Latin American continent that will provide alternatives, opportunities, education and counseling with the objective of preserving the lives of the most helpless populations. These centers and services will be maintained and offered by the Corporaciòn Adonai Vida y Dignidad (CAVD), which is how FAVD is registered in Latin America.
Here is what CAVD in Latin America will do:
Volunteers will engage churches, community agencies, businesses and media communications to promote this project widespread so that women in Latin America realize that there is help for them in the event of an unplanned pregnancy.
As CAVD receives calls from needy women, a confidential interview will be set up where women can receive information on testing, medical follow-up and maternity education.
Trained counselors will meet with mother and father of the baby to discuss responsibilities of parenting, health monitoring of the woman, and financial responsibilities and job opportunities and training to support the growing family. Local businesses will be engaged to assist the CAVD-assigned families with job training.
CAVD, under special conditions, could provide “no interest” loans to help poor families establish small businesses or “cottage” industries under proper supervision and accountability that will allow parents to be able to provide for their new baby and growing family.
Provide godly counseling so that all families who choose life for their baby can be at peace with God and with themselves. A fundamental change of heart will produce fundamental change of behavior toward sexual integrity and wholesome living.